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Quotas and limits

Quotas and limits in Squid are aggregated and set at the Squid application level and aggregated across all environments.

Free Tier

Our Free Tier comes with one free Squid application to build and run so that you can experience Squid Cloud platform's full functionality immediately and without adding in a payment instrument.

The following table shows the resource limits included in the Free Tier. Limits reset each month on the date of your initial sign-up.

Once an organization reaches 80% of the limit on any of these resources, Squid notifies the admin(s) of your organization by email and notifies all organization members through the Squid Cloud Console.

For additional quota or custom quota needs, please contact us.

ResourceDescriptionExamplesQuotaRate limit (if any)
Squid actionsTotal number of actions across SquidTriggers, queues, database queries, API requests, mutations, real-time updates, executables, and other backend functions20,0001,000 per second
Maximum number of concurrent connectionsTotal number of concurrent WebSocket connections to Squid Cloud at any point in timeA WebSocket is established when the Squid Client SDK is initialized1000
Maximum number of concurrent locksTotal number of concurrent locks at any point in timeCreating a lock on one or more resources to coordinate actions between clients100
Number of locksTotal of number of locks usedSee preceeding description of "concurrent locks"10,000
Secrets changesTotal number of changes to secretsUpdating a password or API key1,00010 per second
Secrets queriesTotal number of queries to secretsQueries against secrets10,00010 per second
Queues message sizeTotal size of all messages sent using Squid QueuesA single 50 MB message or 50 1 MB messages count as the same.50 MB
GPT-3.5 requestsTotal number of GPT-3.5 requests allowed across all Squid AI functionality.A user request and response received using the GPT-3.5 model.30010 per second
GPT-4 or GPT-4-Turbo requestsTotal number of GPT-4 or GPT-4-Turbo requests allowed across all Squid AI functionality, including the “Query with AI” feature.A user request and received response using the GPT-4 or GPT-4-Turbo models.10010 per second
Generative AI image requestsTotal number of image-related requests allowed across all Squid AI functionality.A user's image-related request and received response using generative AI.10 MB
Squid AI context sizeTotal storage size of all context provided in Squid AI integrationsRaw text, URLs, PDFs, and other files provided as context for a profile10 MB

Enterprise Tier

For additional quotas and higher limits, please contact us for an enterprise license.